Monday, September 26, 2016

Yes I can!

This was another great week of introspection for me. Along with a new semester, getting used to new due dates and different assignments, I also have two major projects going on at work, my boss was on vacation, leaving additional responsibilities for me and to top it off, trying to help my son with the final preparations before reporting to his mission; I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed! I read over the requirements for the $100 challenge, and almost lost it. I CAN’T do this! I CAN’T even come up with an idea, much less start a business right now!
And then I watched the story of Corey Bell. Corey decided that he was going to follow his dreams, and nothing was going to stop him. He eliminated the word “can’t” from his vocabulary. In his video, he said that if you want something bad enough, you will figure out a way around obstacles. This really resonated with me. I need an attitude check. I CAN create a business. For now, it doesn’t need to be a life altering, mind blowing business, that will come later. For now, I can focus on beginning a smaller, more manageable business, giving myself experiences that will help me later in life. If I manage to help a few people along the way- even better.